Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L086213 2010 Gelding Casino Royal Undocumented Undocumented Steve Weder 276020000031513
L080540 2010 Mare Casira Casir Ask Sandagerdard's Carmen DS Holdings LLC 208210000239005
L109823 2007 Gelding Casiro Casiro I Prinzess J Karen Robinson 985111001102715 17.0 1/4
L109803 2009 Gelding Casiro Incipit Casiro Opera Incipit Emily Miller 981020021891831
L115493 2007 Gelding Casis Cassus Gina Amy Shafmaster 985641236598654
L117168 2012 Gelding Caso Casskeni II Kimberly Danica Meyerhoff 276020000243232
L122589 2012 Gelding Casorro Casall Ursula Marissa Altman 933000320053940
L105068 2003 Gelding Caspar Cornet Oblensky Ribbeck Wendy B Rice 977200009270320
L080007 2011 Gelding Caspari Eurocommerce Berlin Lady-Desy Barbara Kravetz 276020000158211
L070004 2014 Gelding Caspen Undocumented Undocumented Samantha Roper
L103898 2006 Gelding Casper Contender Falubet Sharn Wordley 276098102006695
L105636 2007 Gelding Casper Indoctro Willemijn Sandra Waters 528210000957862
L089497 2010 Gelding Casper 385 Connor Praerie Abbey O'Day 276020000064648
L083111 2013 Gelding Casper 429 Cormint Cornau Alexandra Nason 276020000279955
L099135 2009 Gelding Casper H Cellestial Freeholders Filou Lisa M Passarello 276020000261215
L079428 2013 Gelding Caspian Clarimo Utopia Love Stefanie Collier 208213990329328
L115987 2012 Gelding Caspian Undocumented Undocumented Lance Williamson 276020000246037
L089877 2009 Gelding Caspien Undocumented Undocumented Heather Conder 981020023305195
L081383 2013 Gelding Casquin WEF Casall Ask Vinara Elizabeth Patrick 276020000290686
L110992 2015 Gelding Casrevel Cascadello I B-Qualle Victoria Wieseler 276020000417658
L117340 2013 Gelding Cassalord Cascadello Apolonia Rachel Bishop 276020000289324
L105081 2012 Mare Cassandra Undocumented Bulgary Luis E Cardenas 981020000540932
L120586 2010 Gelding Cassandro Z Cassiro Corrada Ashcombe Sporthorses LLC 981100002351128
L089808 2014 Mare Cassanita Cascanetti Conita William Brown 276020000378949
L102698 2012 Gelding Cassano Undocumented Undocumented Legacy Equine LLC 276020000209706
L030317 2006 Mare Cassanova Sheik Sheiks Big Leaguer Fight Over Emmie Mason Lyon
L068316 2018 Gelding Cassh Money Ionlylopeformoney Rookie Cookie Bloomfield Farm LLC
L081677 2013 Mare Cassia Du Murier Canturo Tuidam De Couepeur Linda Bammann 250259600490458
L117389 2014 Mare Cassiana 26 Casiro I Cassiana Hodl MN LLC 276020000308208
L100555 2010 Gelding Cassiarado Corrado I Vaya Condias Maitena Newman 276020000063486
L108007 2009 Gelding Cassini Quid Cassini I Nur Die Heather Collins Villemaire 528210000926849
L077179 2012 Gelding Cassini Royale Cayetano L Deju Scottie Arnold 981020000211596 16
L103688 2005 Gelding Cassinin Cassini II Cita II Jill Bartlow 981020023398385
L086915 2009 Gelding Cassinir Cassini 1 Kosima 1 Pony Up Sport Horses LTD 616098100048044 16.1 5/8
L080237 2014 Mare Cassinnia Casalito Senora Darragh Kerins 276020000419887
L077505 2010 Gelding Cassio Undocumented Undocumented Nourah Caskey 276020000072209
L115885 2007 Gelding Cassio Melloni Caretino Ornelia Kaitlyn Williams 27609610033444
L126774 2012 Gelding Cassio's Picasso KD Hirtentanz Cassia-Pao Lydia Bradshaw 911001001383654
L100785 2012 Mare Cassiopeia 119 Cellestial Curly Sue F Nelton Marcon 276020000087905
L121699 2014 Mare Cassiopeja RG Clover Boy S Alexis RG Sweet Oak Farm 968000010171547
L089859 2009 Mare Cassique Undocumented Undocumented Khaki Run LLC 977200009267954
L120982 2006 Mare Cassis 56 Conteur Lambada Gillian Kyle Kennedy 933000120107838
L103925 2010 Gelding Cassius Casper B Granne Sydney Lauren Roby 276098102712388
L118382 2017 Gelding Cassius Casino's Son-T Tracy Elizabeth Tonsich 203018100003611
L113497 2007 Gelding Cassius 1 Undocumented Undocumented Bethann Laign-Beeman 981020013877098
L081836 2014 Gelding Cassius 96 Comte Ravalla Klaus Mauer 276020000364113
L079369 2014 Gelding Casso Casall Ask Little Lady Anna Schierholz 276020000416041
L077040 2009 Gelding Casstalino Cassini II Treue Nena Leslie Richman 276088102401585
L121782 2014 Gelding Cassthero Alka Cassilius Termona Tatum Griffin 203010033012697
L100404 2005 Gelding Cast Away Mizzen Mast Letithappentiger Sydney Jordan 981020037651014
L112959 2021 Gelding Cast Away The Lopin Machine Whos On Fire Now Randy Hawkins
L108446 2016 Gelding Castaway Bay D'Wildcat Brook's Secret Hannah O Johnson 981020023214202
L103876 2012 Mare Castella Spartacus TN Corthaga Z Golden Farm LLC 528210002829836
L109758 2012 Gelding Castellano Cabalito Rheamorka Katie Heim 985112005094954
L120150 2016 Gelding Castellano Carlow Van De Helle Connora Layton Bradford 981100004358955
L107878 2009 Gelding Castellero Calido I Snowy River Angela Pieitg Brown 528210004360719
L106851 2012 Gelding Castello Ok Du Rozel Quality Du Golfe Sandra Jones 250259806019316
L080495 2011 Gelding Castello 230 Connor Wilma XII Sarah Lyons 276020000159666
L079137 2010 Gelding Castello D Caplan Nanook Abrahamson Equestrian LLC 528210002518492
L116208 2008 Gelding Castello Z Castelino Van De Helle Chinouk Stacy Toulouse 967000009110067
L118526 2017 Gelding Castello Z Casall Valanta Sarah Wood 981100004457210
L121723 2011 Gelding Castiel WB Cassini I Lucky Lionel Chandler Hopper 276020000072217
L086486 2005 Mare Castilla Cassini I Nele II Adrienne Ruffle 981020023583897
L101688 2014 Gelding Casting Call Cornet Obolensky Laila Float On Equestrian LLC 276020000404443
L101697 2016 Gelding Casting Spells Checkmate Robideaux Brookside Pine Farms LLC 981020015675278
L101901 2011 Gelding Castle Cabardino Salome Chris Gilman dba Ulster-GSA 981020019622519 16.0
L115825 2017 Gelding Castle & Key Emillion Waldina Sarah Renee Meier 981020019609404
L101699 2012 Gelding Castle Black Undocumented Undocumented Float On Equestrian LLC 276020000088394
L106569 2014 Gelding Castle Creek Castelan II Louvre Preferred Stock LLC 276020000418199
L063222 2017 Stallion Castle Lights All In Lights Sly Sister Sabrina McMahan
L113022 2011 Gelding Castle Rock Clearway Toscana I Kimberly D McCaslin 276020000157740
L089452 2016 Gelding Castle Row Castelan II Wyona N Sheila Slack 276020000518675
L080001 2001 Gelding Castlebay Undocumented Undocumented Grace Dreyer 981020023468046
L116429 2010 Gelding Caston Undocumented Undocumented Bays and Greys LLC 276020000067097 16.3 5/16
L030318 2010 Mare Casual Bay Lady Babe Leaguers Grand Slam Casual Asset Jim Dudley
L111078 2015 Gelding Casual FZ Casall I-Cynthia Tamara Patsey 941000014303446
L030319 2005 Stallion Casual In Khaki Willy Be Invited Amy Lou Flower Terra Sparks
L000403 2007 Mare Casual In Old Gold Zippos Old Gold Devine Selection Winridge Farm
L109364 2007 Mare Casual Lies Undocumented Undocumented Malia Margaret Radcliffe 981020035751779
L066658 2018 Mare Casual Lopin Lady The Lopin Machine Casual Bay Lady Babe Kelsey Ward
L074560 2016 Mare Casually Cruel Nics Little Bud Starlights Sally Cole Gouthro
L030320 2007 Stallion Casually Styled Zips Chocolate Chip Never Skip A Zippo Mary Iris Webre
L067951 2018 Mare Cat 5 The Big Chex Suddenly In Paris Brogan Mixon Thompson
L104053 2010 Gelding Cat 5 Discreet Cat Sunday Ride Sami Malik 933000320026050
L121981 2008 Mare Cat Ninja Zirocco Bleu VDL Wyrusa H Team Eye Candy 528210002205582
L079649 2013 Mare Cat Sherry Con Sherry Lachesis Emma Smith 276020000239690
L060700 2014 Mare Catalina Covergirl Invest In An Impulse Ms Lucky Cover Girl Justin Nosbisch
L109259 2017 Mare Catalunia Whistler Undocumented Jorge Verswyvel 981020023513852
L077161 2015 Gelding Catamount Cabalito Wildcat's Babe Gracely Barnett 276098106147558
L116513 2007 Gelding Catangelo Undocumented Undocumented Darby Gardner 528210002095037 16.0
L088278 2016 Gelding Catango Cellestial Elisjana Linda Bammann 276020000518371
L120210 2009 Gelding Catano 29 Catan Vorbuch 1 Emma Kathryn Pell 208213990265302
L121820 2013 Mare Catarina Cascadello I Bouquet Du Ro Nancy Hathaway 276020000289022
L079677 2015 Mare Catarina WH Cabalito Viva's Glory Macy White 276098104859726
L110316 2012 Gelding Cataumet Cabachon Gaya Cynthia Boudreau 752098100285014
L104650 2010 Mare Catcall Seon Catwoman Alexandra Davidson 276020000395105
L103917 2016 Gelding Catch Sandro Fidelis Roux Raeann Sarsfield 840003132992695
L110212 2009 Gelding Catch Charisma I Going Public Megan Bash 985111000549449
L028135 2002 Mare Catch A Glowing Star Red Glow Nicky The Dream Catcher Jessie Hadlock
L079281 2010 Mare Catch A Star HSS Sheraton Tolinda Kevin Jude McCarthy 752098100495627
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