The National Snaffle Bit Youth Association held its annual meeting to elect its 2024-2025 officers and directors, held a draw party for the 2024 Youth Team Tournament and made get well cards for Children’s Hospital on Friday evening, August 9, during the NSBA World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity.

The newly elected leadership team includes:
• President: Eleanor Ott
• President-Elect: June Drinkall
• Treasurer: Abby Eddy
• Secretary: Anna Minich
• Reporter: Riley Potts
• Directors: Riley Walburn, Logan Starnes, Shayne Gilliam and Lily Jones
The Youth Team Tournament begins on Saturday, August 10. The competition is open to all youth exhibitors entered in NSBA World Championship Show Youth classes. (Futurity and Maturity classes do not count.) Teams of no more than five exhibitors are drawn based on the number of entrants. Once teams are drawn, each youth may choose up to two classes to designate as their Youth Team Class(es). Points earned in those classes will contribute toward their teams' totals. Youth members drew a cookie that held the number of their team during the draw.
Results will be tabulated and updated throughout the day on signage to keep teams abreast of their current rank. Team awards will be given to the first place through third place teams. Points are awarded based on team members’ placing in their designated classes. See full rules and point chart below.

The NSBYA service project for 2024 was a card drive at different horse shows for children in children’s hospitals. Youth were encouraged to write messages and color pictures in cards to send to children’s hospitals located near regional shows, and attendees at the youth meeting completed several cards to be sent locally in Tulsa.
Best wishes to the 2024-2025 NSBYA officers and directors, and good luck to all the NSBYA members competing at the 2024 NSBA World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity!