NSBA congratulates Blake Weis of Pilot Point, Texas, as the most recent addition to NSBA’s Quarter Million Dollar Club. Blake crossed over the mark in 2021 taking his total lifetime NSBA earnings to $253,932.03 at the end of the year.
He has had an extensive show career beginning as a youth, before focusing on Western All Around and futurity horses, and his show record is a clear indication of his focus. Blake has wins at all of the major shows including the NSBA World Championship Show, Breeders Championship Futurity, Quarter Horse Congress, AQHA World Championship Show and World Equestrian Center Championship Show, just to name a few.
In 2021, Blake topped the $250,000 mark with earnings of $38,880.79 while showing Dunit On The Range, Hot Lopin Lily, Not Dun Lopin and Snap It Send It.
Again, congratulations to Blake Weis on this career milestone. Be sure to read his full story in an upcoming issue of The Way To Go magazine.
[Reprinting all or part of this news release is permitted, so long as credit is given to the National Snaffle Bit Association and a link provided back to nsba.com.]
About NSBA
Established in 1983, the National Snaffle Bit Association has expanded from its roots of the pleasure horse to recognize various disciplines and eight breed associations in competition. NSBA’s programs uphold keeping the welfare of the horse as the primary consideration in all activities and encourage the use of standard rules for holding and judging events.