Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L001647 2008 Mare Xtra Hot Irons These Irons Are Hot Ima Lady By Choice Gabrielle Kostiuk
L066556 2018 Stallion Xtra Hubba Hubba Hubba Hubba Huntin Xtra Hot Irons Gabrielle Kostiuk
L125309 2017 Gelding Xtra Jackontherocks Wimpyneedsacocktail HA Ruby N Diamonds Hannah Clifton
L133777 2017 Mare Xtra Little Sunshine Wimpys Little Step Shine On Sayo Taylor N Collins
L131629 2023 Mare Xtra Made Me Better Good Better Best Xtra Hot Irons Gabrielle Kostiuk
L087099 2014 Stallion Xtra Magic Doctor Shiners Voodoo Dr Aleena Starlight Eric Mendrysa
L122617 2018 Gelding Xtra Oldfashionedluv A Sparkling Vintage Memorable Affair Debbie Kuffer
L064447 2015 Gelding Xtra Ordinary The Next Detail Hot Lovin Marshia K Musick
L135845 2014 Gelding Xtra Prettycocktail Wimpyneedsacocktail Prettywhizprettydoes Courtney Leigh Sustaire
L131861 2015 Gelding Xtra Smart Creme Wimpys Little Step Cremes Chic Olena Derryl L Brandt
L126080 2018 Gelding Xtra Special Okie Wimpys Little Step Xtra Voodoo Dora Tamara L Smith
L034562 2006 Stallion Xtra Sweet Art I Sweet Tee Nee's Avenger Sandy Vargo
L070949 2014 Mare Xtra Voodoo Chuka Shiners Voodoo Dr Chuka Chic P Brown DBA Brown Drby Stables
L129041 2017 Gelding Xtra Voodoosomething Shiners Voodoo Dr Xtra Ruby Step Margaret Robinson
L110090 2018 Stallion Xtra Walk This Way Wimpys Little Step Jokes Smartime Terry Garrett
L025690 2006 XTRASWEETSENSATION Zippos Sensation Kay La Mae Gary/Deborah Wartick
L002199 2009 Stallion Xtravagant Lifestyle Set For Life Vested Diva Kim McCool
L060782 2017 Mare Xtraxtrareadalboutit Allocate Your Assets Xtra Hot Irons Gabrielle Kostiuk
L071720 2019 Mare Xtreamly Sweet Chips Extremely Hot Chips Only Sweet Dreams JoLynn Mallory
L046534 2008 Gelding Xtreme Art Artful Investment Debit (TB) Kristina L. Rothers
L047933 2007 Mare Xtreme Asset A New Perspective Regal Asset Indiya Savehearrt
L025691 2005 Gelding Xtreme Krymsun One Hot Krymsun Private Pleasures Rachel A Benjamin
L029098 2011 Gelding Xtreme Power Extremely Hot Chips Flashin My Assets Cheryl A Mullikin
L104423 2019 Gelding Xtreme To A Tee Xtreme Classic Style Shes A Cool Lad Mary J Kirkham
L048721 2013 Gelding Xtreme Zip Extremely Hot Chips Zip N Therapy Audra Lynn Levitte
L131466 2021 Gelding Xtremely Dreamy Extremely Hot Chips Remember Im Hot Alicia A Fleming
L099408 2020 Mare Xtremely Glamorous Extremely Hot Chips Only Glamorous Fine Art QH
L116774 2021 Mare Xtremely Hot Blonde Extremely Hot Chips Lil White Dress Connie K Kaiser
L051917 2013 Mare Xtremely Hot Tootsee Extremely Hot Chips Tootsee Roll Ava Newsom
L064254 2017 Gelding Xtremely Sweet Extremely Hot Chips Ms Best Of Sudden Emilee Yost
L125621 2022 Mare Xtremely Xtra The Extreme Machine Xtra Hot Irons Gabrielle Kostiuk
L053865 2015 Stallion Xtremelyhot Extremely Hot Chips My Krymsun Slippers Lakeshore Performance Horses LLC
L055177 2015 Mare Xtremelyhotvalentine Extremely Hot Chips Tootsee Roll Michael R Laplace
L051516 2014 Stallion Xtremey Good Rodder Extremely Hot Chips Ima Good Rodder Randy Ratliff
L055843 2014 Mare Xtremly Hot Diamonds Extremely Hot Chips Ima Diamond Loper Brenda Thompson
L062593 2017 Gelding Xtremlysophisticated Extremely Hot Chips Sophististar Only Stacy Glowaky
L073206 2019 Gelding Xxtreme Extremely Hot Chips Ms Flashy Goodbar Heidi Rasor
L071790 2019 Mare XXX Factor The Wow Factor Choice Rewards Jessica Ann Kopp
L128145 2022 Mare Xxxs And Ooos Required Invitation miss silver sensation Simons Show Horses LLC
L086212 2017 Gelding Xzpecial N Im Special De Muze Paula Dina Mazzola 276020000377843
L109950 2009 Gelding Xzplendor Chairman La Silla Gitza MB Annie Marvin 752098100463067 17.1
L051122 2013 Mare Y Not A Famous Blonde Oh Y Not One Famous Blonde Patti A Gertner
L051165 2012 Mare Y Not Be Impulsive Oh Y Not One Famous Blonde Amy Kennedy Reynolds
L051449 2014 Gelding Y So Blue Its All About Blue Made Pretty Fancy William Welty
L076572 2020 Mare Ya Best Be Good Good Better Best Short On Details Rebecca M Hogan
L027903 2012 Mare Ya Best Get Dressed RL Best Of Sudden Western Shady Lady Nina Conners
L034563 2005 Mare Ya Gotta Hot Lover Blazing Hot Ya Gotta Lover Kathy C Hunt
L131012 2023 Stallion Ya Look Good Hay Goodlookn Made Ya Look Brent & Kate Bamford
L059962 2016 Gelding Ya Need A Makita Mechanic Peppermint Goodie Jill R Blieu
L124400 2022 Mare Ya Snooze Ya Looze Too Sleepy To Zip RR Cant Invite Me Michael E Warren
L055098 2015 Mare Ya Think Im Good CR Good Machine Ya Think Tori White
L107676 2015 Gelding Yaafour Poet's Voice Whatizzit Hannah Hobbs 985101045224085
L067789 2016 Gelding Yabba Dabba Hoo Hot Ones Only Captive Dancer Gemma L Kaye-Hudson
L119304 2014 Gelding Yacht Club Undocumented Undocumented Jody Moraski 985141001388732
L058221 2016 Mare Yagonnakissmeornot Open For Suggestion Blondes Are Hot Debra Hannewyk
L111209 2009 Gelding Yahtzee Rex Z Heaven Rose Z Jane Wiley 528210002654467
L116274 2011 Gelding Yalambi's Grazi Carpino Z Yalambi's Allegria Maddison Stephen 953010000663140
L132924 2023 Gelding Yall Best Be Good Good Better Best Al Lift You Up Abigail R Kasper
L058392 2016 Stallion Yall Hashtag This Machine Made KM Hot Number Brent & Kate Bamford
L062138 2015 Gelding Yall Im Sleepy Too Sleepy To Zip Covered In Crystals Sydney D Schmidt
L134348 2023 Stallion Yall Readee For This Yall Hashtag This A Few Extra Goods Kristina K Pratt
L129978 2023 Gelding Yall Stop Heart Stoppin/VQH Heart Stoppin All Yall Joseph Edgar Brewer IV
L073439 2019 Gelding Yall Take A Look Its A Southern Thing Captivating Sandra Declue & Diane Sinosky
L075254 2017 Mare Yankee Shadow Moe Rowdy Star Command A Shadow Olivia Carlson
L083048 2007 Gelding Yankee Station Sir Sinclair Rabiolli Patrick Wilcher 981020023239446
L128326 2007 Gelding Yankees Premonition Rowdy In Hollywood Gray Fancy Gal Cheryl Lee Moore
L129367 2022 Mare Yas Queen Ultimately Fabulous Her Zippers Fancy Christin Romberg
L001101 2004 Gelding Yawl Smooth Like Me Sudden Inclination Smooth Reminsent Chris Spencer
L005251 2012 Gelding Yea No Doubt No Doubt Im Lazy Miss Pines Asset Emily Axelson
L005252 2010 Gelding Yeah Hes Special He Thinks Hes Special Teeny's Track Star Gale L Remington
L047487 2012 Gelding Yeah I Will Good I Will Be I Found A Penny Brynn Jeannette Campbell
L001344 2008 Mare Yeah Im Flashy Zippos Mr Good Bar MS Flashy Hotrodder Billings Quarter Horses
L066390 2018 Mare Yeah Im Lazy Lazy Loper Yeah Im Flashy Wilma G Stotler
L025701 2006 YEAH ITS GOT A HEMI Radical Rodder Most Valuable Chip Barbara S Thomas
L064237 2017 Gelding Yeah Mann Batt Man Do Mac A Impulse Robert D Kirkpatrick
L068922 2018 Gelding Yeah U Gotit Goin On Certain Potential Fifty Shades Of Grey Joyce Jo Morog
L136394 2021 Stallion Yell Oh Stone Righteous Invitation Prettiest Star Yet Riverside Ranch/Cindy McCraw
L123916 2016 Mare Yella Isabella JMK In Reality Picked To Please Julie Schley
L129382 2014 Gelding Yeller Gun Yellow Jersey Colonels Cattin Gun Teana Phillips
L075245 2015 Gelding Yello Wolf Cisco Skip Premium Shiningcolonelfreckl Marcy Martin
L125042 2015 Gelding Yellow Bellied Dunit Yellow Jersey Shirleys Reminic Sherry Sam
L115220 2017 Gelding Yellowstone Undocumented Undocumented Legado Farms 528210004594020
L126189 0 Mare Yellowstone 518 palomino playgun amanda lena catt Ariana Cerecedes
L089395 2018 Mare Yellowstone GF Undocumented Undocumented Deana Barkoskie Blackburn 985112008096088
L089837 2014 Gelding Yeomans Green Sir Shutterfly Daisy M Allison Marie Henson 372141405805018
L044687 2012 Mare Yep Shes Lazy Lazy Loper Kissed N Zipped Brittany Bly
L027976 2010 Mare Yer Certain To LuvMe Certain Potential Shot By Cupid Paje Zervas-Turner
L130654 2023 Mare Yes Im Good Good Better Best Last One Matters Holly Taylor
L046401 2013 Mare Yes Ima Battman Batt Man Kiss My Sweet Gucci Randy & Pamela Jones
L034564 2006 Mare Yes Ive Gotta Minute Do You Have A Minute Elegant Ellen Rodney L Kramer
L060709 2016 Gelding Yes No Maybe So Allocate Your Assets Certifiable Tina Christine White
L119540 2019 Gelding Yes No Maybe Soo Allured To Chocolate Invite Me Good Bar Kimber Mitchell
L067256 2018 Mare Yes Pleaze The Lopin Machine Onlyafraid Inthedark Cathrin Gutmann
L025712 2007 YIKES IM YELLOW A Touch Of Sudden Golden Pine Chex Laura Kellejian
L085232 2020 Gelding Yiketty Yak Execute Ooo La La Jennifer C Jubb DVM
L126529 2022 Mare Yippee Pie Yay Its A Southern Thing One Hot Tease Daniel Ocenas
L074059 2019 Gelding Yippy Ki Yay Lopin My Best The Only Way I Know Kaitlin Dierks
L130314 2020 Stallion YM Taks Two To Tango Dream Makers Mirage Echos Harliquin Moon Samantha Paige Petersen
L122078 2021 Gelding Yo Momma Machine Made Momma Knows Best Jeff or Holly Feager
L118845 2010 Gelding Yoghi FLP Quaid I Stella Valerie Fox 276020000035187
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