You’ll find Youth is the focus in the July issue of The Way To Go. Riley and Alexis Potts have each made some big accomplishments, but they have even more goals left on their to-do lists. Learn more about this brother and sister duo in this month’s Cover Story. It’s not often you get paid to do something you love, but that’s what happens when NSBA youth members enroll in Smart Points. We explain how the program works. NSBA Youth members often have a professional who stands behind them, cheering them on just outside the arena. Trainers explain how they keep the balance of fun and work with their young clients in this month’s feature story, Gamesmanship. NSBA youth who go above and beyond to exhibit exemplary character in helping others through community service are recognized with the NSBA Foundation’s Youth Of The Year award, and the Susan Scott Memorial Scholarship. Meet this year’s finalists. Alexis Potts has won the NSBA Foundation scholarship, while Kaitlyn McCulley has been named the recipient of the inaugural T. Joe Jeane Memorial scholarship. Many organizations, including NSBA Youth, recognize a time for giving back. The Way To Go looks at how their acts prove that small acts add up to great deeds in this month’s Sound Advice. All this and much more can be found in the July The Way To Go!

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